Spring Drive

​  April 25-28, 2024

Fall Drive

  October 8 - 13, 2024

Hoosier Horse Park, IN

The National Drive

General Stabling Information


  • Stabling is in 10 x 10 (some are 10 x 12 & 12 x 12) permanent. shed-row style stalls with limestone floors. See complete list of stall dimensions.
  • No temporary equipment may be permanently attached to any existing Hoosier Horse Park property such as signs, barricades, stabling, trees, etc. Staples, nails, and/or screws of any kind are not allowed. Exhibitors may not remove panels, boards, or doors from any stall.
  • Sleeping overnight in stalls is NOT permitted.

We will be using stalls in all barns as needed.

Stall sizes

Stabling Map


  • The Hoosier Horse Park will NOT clean your stall. A $15 fee (separate check required) must be paid if stalls are not completely stripped. Stall material need only be placed a foot outside your stall door. This fee does NOT apply to tack stalls.
  • All muck generated during event must be placed in marked muck bins. Muck should NOT be placed in the barns, at the ends of the barns, or in any other non-designated area. This is punishable by a fine.



  • Wood shavings are considered the only acceptable form of bedding.
  • You may order shavings on your registration form and we will make sure it gets put in your stall(s). Additional bedding will be available if you need it at $8 per bag.
  • Attendees may also bring their own bedding with them.


  • None available onsite but exhibitors may bring their own feed and hay or try Tractor Supply in Franklin.

Electrical Appliances

In compliance with the State of Indiana Fire Code, the Hoosier Horse Park does NOT allow any of the following in stalls, barns or tents:  (a) any 2-prong plug appliances, (b) any 2-prong plug extension cords, (c) light duty cords for indoor use, (d) any 3-way adapters unless specifically made for outdoors, or (e) any adapters without 3-prong connections.

Plugging any trailer or camper into barns is NOT PERMITTED!